

or musical school bell

Traditional or musical school bell

We have come up with a purpose-developed, very easy to use electronic control system for school bells, side clocks and alarms. We cater for traditional school bells and modern musical systems alike.

For traditional school bells the programming of the bell times is entirely adjusted to suit your wishes. In case of a power outage, the programming is automatically restored. The plug-in panic button sounds the alarm on the bells.

For musical school bells, the traditional school bell is replaced by a multifunctional audio system, which gives you maximum wider area communication facilities.

The electronic clockwork controls the bells, side clocks and alarms in schools.

The bell system is very easy to use. All instructions are displayed on-screen in the language of your choice.

IBAS, School & Safety

Gebaseerd op de krachtige Apollo-S en Tempora-S, biedt IBAS een flexibele oplossing die meegroeit met uw school. Het biedt geautomatiseerde belsignalen, spraakmeldingen en muziek. Eenvoudig uitbreidbaar en intuïtief in gebruik, verhoogt IBAS de veiligheid en efficiëntie van uw school.

Beheer audio en veiligheid in verschillende gebouwen of scholen via tablet, PC of GSM.
Combineer belgeluiden met aangename melodieën, zachte geluiden of muziek.
Voorkom paniek en stuur amok- en evacuatiesituaties volledig aan met spraak en geluid.

We are happy to assist!

Questions about digitizing and automating your bell system?

Contact us